Delivering Evidenced Based Treatment for PTSD and Anxiety

PTSD and Anxiety Center
BY Appointment Only
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all appointments
are now virtual!

Call Us at 773-234-3993


Evidence Based Psychotherapy

We provide evidence-based individual and group psychotherapy for a range of anxiety and trauma-related disorders including Posttraumatic Stress (PTSD), Panic Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety, worry, and Specific Phobias (e.g., of flying, heights, animals, medical procedures, or vomiting). We also offer specialized treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, insomnia.

Primary Treatments

Our primary treatments for these problems are cognitive-behavioural (CBTs). CBTs are the most thoroughly and stringently researched psychotherapies with the strongest empirical evidence of effectiveness. Examples include Prolonged Exposure (PE), and dialectical behavioral skills (DBT), for PTSD; Exposure and Response Prevention (EX/RP) for OCD; Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I); Behavioral Activation, and a variety of exposure-based and cognitive interventions for anxiety and depression. Treatment is available in person at our office in Naperville, Illinois, as well as remotely via a HIPAA-compliant encrypted video conferencing platform.


Clients requesting services are all screened for appropriateness and assessed for either the OCD/Anxiety track or PTSD/trauma track. After being thoroughly assessed, clients will be given a 'track' that will consist of appropriate evidence based therapies to target their symptoms.


We are in network with Aetna PPO, Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, and United Healthcare PPO. We also offer SUPERBILL at the end of each month that are to be requested by the client to send into their insurance company for reimbursement if a client is paying out of pocket.